I apologize in advance for this EXTREMELY picture heavy post, but there were too many awesome pics for me not to share.
So I graduated on April 20th, and most of my family was able to make the trip out here! Jessica, Rory, Sadie, and Charlotte were able to come out for the whole week before, so we had lots of fun eating yummy food, hanging with family, making cupcakes, playing games, and just hanging out!
Playing with my new smart phone that Cody got me for my birthday! |
Sadie was being a grumpy girl after nap |
On mine and Miekka's birthday, we headed out to her and James's new house to play games with them, Jarom, Steph, and Evelyn, and Courtenay and Jon. |
While Jessica was at her conference, we had some nice down time to just hang out and enjoy the nice weather |
Apparently she didn't want me to take her picture, haha |
She sure loved those stairs! She spent about an hour climbing them up and down |
On Thursday night, Mom, Dad, Jordan, Julia, and Josh rolled into town. We spent most of Friday morning relaxing and catching up, then headed over to the Bean museum at BYU, where they have all sorts of taxidermied (is that a word? I guess I should know....) animals. It was pretty fun, and the kids loved it.
Everybody just chill in |
Charlotte's being sneaky |
Haha, I love this one! |
Rory, Charlotte, and the awesome zebras |
Waiting for graduation |
Evelyn being adorable |
The whole gang |
Yippee! |
Magna Cum Laude, baby! |
Thanks for everything Mom and Dad!!! |
On Saturday morning, Cody and I headed up to attend Carly's endowment session while the fan went on a nature hike, I think up by Sundance.
Cute cousins! |
We then met everyone up in Salt Lake at the new City Creek Center. The kids had a bunch fun playing in the cool fountains.
Haha, this one's my favorite. I don't know why Steph and I look like weirdos and the boys are normal. Usually it's the opposite.... |
Group Pic! |
After that, we headed home for some hot dogs and hamburgers. Cody played the part of Awesome Grillmaster.
Rory's trying to touch his toes? |
Cody and I thought it would be fun to play Roll-the-Ball-and-Try- to-hit-Cody's-Feet. Surprisingly, not that fun.... |
We moved on to Over-the-house with much better results. Unfortunately, Charlotte was terrified of the balls appearing out of nowhere, so we then turned to 3-flies-up. |
Enjoy these pics of us all being much to competitive. I seriously can't stop myself from cracking up when I look at these!
Let's be honest, there was a lot of pushing and shoving going on, all to catch a little tennis ball. |
Jarom got a freebie |
This one looks like we're wizards making the ball levitate or something. If only.... |
This one is just all-around awesome |
We look like we're partying. Woo hoo! |
Even Evelyn joined in at the end! |
On Sunday after church, we headed to a park for a picnic and more games. Jessica and Rory and kids headed out after that.
Sadie wouldn't take a normal picture with me the whole trip! Oh well, haha |
The rest of the family headed out early the next morning. It was such a fun visit!!! Thanks for coming everyone! Come back anytime!!!!